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Friday 8 November 2013

Ysgol Tir Morfa Christmas Cards for Sale


Christmas Cards for Sale

We have packs of 6 Christmas cards for sale at £3.50
These cards have been designed by our pupils and are shown below.
If you would like to place an order for our cards please complete the slip that has been sent home. Alternatively please contact the school
Thank you for your support
Designed by Lewis M
Designed by Ellie H

Designed by Sam B

Designed by Jack M

Designed by Josh H

Designed by Laura W

Saturday 27 July 2013

Family Fun Day at Ysgol Tir Morfa, Rhyl

Ysgol Tir Morfa will be hosting the Denbighshire Families First 'Family Fun Day' event over the Summer Holidays on Sunday 11th August between 10am and 3pm.
It is promised to be a great day to encourage play including activities such as den building, face painting, outdoor activities, cake decorating and much more. So why not bring along the whole family, a picnic and enjoy the day.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Sir John Moores’ Award for Special Achievement

Matthew at the All Wales Final in
Matthew Ramsden from Ysgol Tir Morfa won the Sir John Moores' Award  For Special Achievement at the Celtic Manor Newport during the Young Enterprise All Wales Final.

Lady Grantchester, the daughter of Sir John Moores, very kindly set up the fund in memory of her father to recognise the Special Achievements of Team Programme students. This award is made on an annual basis in each English region and Wales to the Team Programme student who has made the most progress and shown the most improvement through their participation in the programme.

Matthew was presented with a cheque for £100, and a certificate to celebrate the hard work he has done.

Matthew, a Senior Café Assistant in our School Café Caffi Morfa says:

"I like cleaning the tables in Caffi Morfa. I like using my money skills to use the till and give the change. I like counting the money and putting it into separate bags. I enjoy washing up too!"

Students from Ysgol Tir Morfa also won the "Best Team Report" after rigorous judging at the Young Enterprise All Wales Final on the same day. This was for all their hard work and knowledge of working in Caffi Morfa.

Some of the Caffi Morfa Team (L-R) Amy J, Matthew C, Matthew R, Shannan C

Monday 17 June 2013

Pupils Win Photography Prize

The Forestry Commission Woodland for Learning Team held a photo competition in 2012 to celebrate International Year of Forests. Pupils from Key Stage 4; Komalie K, Naomi R, Francesca V and Alisha J entered the photograph in the Woodlands at Work section and won 3rd Prize!

This is a great achievement in a national competition which received more than 500 entries in the category. The school received the winning photo printed on canvas and £50 in vouchers. 

Well Done to all our budding photographers!

Friday 10 May 2013

Caffi Morfa win Young Enterprise Awards

Back Row: John-Paul M, Tom R, Shannan C, Amy J, Sammy H, Ellie T, Matthew C, Matthew R, Milly A, Rhona V, Carol Edwards, Headteacher

Front Row: Selwyn Griffiths, Young Enterprise Manager, Lucy McDermott, Post 16 Teacher

A special school in Rhyl, North Wales picked up three prizes at a recent business-like competition.

Ysgol Tir Morfa headteacher, Carol Edwards, congratulated all 16 students from the school who attended the North Wales final of the Young Enterprise Event at the Pavilion Theatre on April 17th. At the event, students were required to set up their display, sell items and give a presentation on the stage about Caffi Morfa, via a film they had made.

They were awarded with prizes in Best use of IT, Best Trade Stand and Best Overall Team, for their Caffi Morfa enterprise. They will now take part in the All Wales Finals in Newport in June.

Mrs Edwards, said: "Well done to all who took part. We are all very proud of you."

(Article from The Rhyl Journal - Wednesday 8th May 2013)